Having strategically reviewed our seven existing business units from the perspectives of business fields and functions, we consolidated them into five; namely, “Metal Products,” “Transportation & Construction Systems,” “Environment & Infrastructure,” “Media, Network, Lifestyle Related Goods & Services,” and “Mineral Resources, Energy, Chemical & Electronics.”
In addition, we regrouped our overseas regional organizations into four broad regions; namely, “East Asia,” “Asia & Oceania,” “Europe, Middle East, Africa & CIS,” and “The Americas.” This move was intended to enhance the ability of regional organizations to initiate new businesses, improve their corporate functions, and strengthen their ability to recruit and develop human resources. In this way we will further promote the strengthening of regional organizations’ earnings bases, and we will reinforce our organizational setup for the shifting of corporate resources to growth markets on a global basis.
The five business units and the domestic and overseas regional organizations aim to seize global changes in the business environment, and customer needs, as opportunities for generating and broadening the scope of business.