== HEADER ==

Mineral Resources, Energy, Chemical & Electronics Business Unit


  • Planning & Administration Dept., Mineral Resources, Energy, Chemical & Electronics Business Unit
  • Mineral Resources Division No. 1
  • Mineral Resources Division No. 2
  • Energy Division
  • Basic Chemicals & Electronics Division
  • Life Science Division

(Billions of yen)

Gross profit119.085.683.0
Operating profit56.525.9-
Share of profit of investments accounted for using the equity method41.930.7-
Profit for the year
(attributable to owners of the parent)
Total assets1,204.41,370.9-
* Results for past fiscal years were recombined in accordance with organizational reforms effective fiscal 2013.


Message from the General Manager

Toru Furihata General Manager, Mineral Resources, Energy, Chemical & Electronics Business Unit Toru Furihata General Manager, Mineral Resources, Energy, Chemical & Electronics Business Unit
“We aim to stay a step ahead in dealing with change and unleash our robust marketing and business promotion strengths to achieve an even higher level of profit growth”

In the ever-changing global business climate, we are uncovering business opportunities and swiftly building on operations, investments and trading activities that nobody else can match in ways befitting our distinctive identity.

Our top priority in the upstream resource and energy field is ensuring that projects under development start up steadily. As for existing interests, we will work to raise their business value through ongoing efforts to improve cost competitiveness and pursuing expansion plans. Moreover, we will strive to amass new prime interests in line with our portfolio strategy, focusing on four key strategic resources—copper, coal, iron ore, and crude oil and gas.

In midstream and downstream fields, we will drive forward sophisticated and distinctive operations, investments and trading activities. These initiatives will revolve around creating new added value by unleashing synergies with upstream operations, staying a step ahead of structural changes in the industry to come, maintaining and expanding first-mover advantages, and strengthening ties with prominent partners.


Business Unit Overview

We are active in the fields of mineral resources & energy, and chemicals & electronics.

In the mineral resources & energy field, we hold upstream interests in the key strategic resources of copper, coal, iron ore, crude oil and gas, as well as other mineral resources such as zinc, nickel and cobalt. In trading activities in such areas as carbon products, ferrous raw materials, petroleum and gas, we are expanding business globally, especially in China, Asia and other markets in which we expect demand to grow.

In the chemicals and electronics field, we trade largely in petrochemical raw materials and products, inorganic chemicals, and cutting-edge electronics industry materials, as well as develop rare earth and uranium and engage in EMS* operations. We are also involved in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, crop protection products, fertilizer, and pet care products.

*EMS (Electronics Manufacturing Services): The provision of electronics device manufacturing services on a contract basis.


Map of Upstream Interests in Mineral Resources and Energy

Fiscal 2012 Results

Business Performance

Profit for the year totaled ¥46.9 billion in fiscal 2012, down ¥43.9 billion year on year. This was mainly due to a drop in commodity prices that led to lower income in businesses such as Australian coal, Indonesian copper and South African iron ore, coupled with the absence of extraordinary profit recorded a year earlier.

Main Investment and Loans

  • Participation in U.S. tight oil development project
  • Acquisition of mining interest in Australia's Isaac Plains coal mine
  • Investment in Chile's Sierra Gorda copper mine development project


Business Field Overview: What We Aim to Be

Mineral Resources & Energy Field

What We Aim to BeThrough investment in upstream interests and trading activities, we aim to contribute to the stable supply of mineral resources and energy
San Cristobal silver, zinc and lead mine in Bolivia San Cristobal silver, zinc and lead mine in Bolivia
MUSA iron ore mine in Brazil MUSA iron ore mine in Brazil
Ambatovy nickel plant in Madagascar Ambatovy nickel plant in Madagascar
Business Environment
Resource prices are headed for correction, partially because clouds have emerged over China's economic growth—the driver of the recent sustained uptrend. Given this change, even global resource majors that had been pursuing increased dominance are postponing and revising development and expansion plans. On the other hand, unconventional energy development is building up, and the global energy supply and demand landscape is being transformed.
Strengths and Strategies
We will steadily enhance our portfolio of resource interests with an eye to longer-term demand growth with our emphasis on key strategic resources—copper, coal, iron ore, and crude oil and gas. We will also take into account time factors like the start of production and mine life, as well as regional factors such as distribution of country risk.
Through our mining businesses including at the San Cristobal silver, zinc and lead mining project in Bolivia, where we have assumed full ownership, we are building up our mining operation expertise and nurturing numerous personnel. In our U.S. unconventional gas business, we will work to build a gas value chain traversing upstream operations to distribution, liquefaction and LNG export. We will do this by combining the functions of our U.S. natural gas trading company with our activities as the first Japanese company to participate in a shale gas development project.
Actions for What We Aim to Be
Along with bolstering our existing interests' cost competitiveness and firmly moving expansion plans forward, we are concentrating on steadily executing large-scale upstream resource projects. The U.S. tight oil development project we joined in September 2012 is on track. At the Sierra Gorda copper mine project in Chile, we are working toward starting production in 2014. In Brazilian Mineração Usiminas S.A. (MUSA) iron ore mining operations, we are advancing plans for expansion. At the Ambatovy nickel project in Madagascar, we aim to bring operations to full capacity as soon as possible. We are working to enhance the San Cristobal project's value through ongoing exploration aimed at increasing the ore reserve. In midstream and downstream business, we have also concluded basic agreements with the U.S. company Dominion Cove Point LNG related to natural gas liquefaction as well as LNG exports, targeting exports to Japan from 2017.


Chemical & Electronics Field

Site in Kazakhstan for recovering rare earth from uranium mine tailings Site in Kazakhstan for recovering rare earth from uranium mine tailings
What We Aim to BeWe will achieve prosperity and realize dreams by developing sophisticated and distinctive operations and trading activities worldwide.
Business Environment
With food demand rising as emerging countries' populations increase and economies develop, crop protection products and fertilizers that improve the quality and yield of agricultural produce should see growing demand. Further, there are needs pertaining to high value-added products that are energy-­efficient and environmentally friendly, as well as new technologies harnessing unconventional energy.
Strengths and Strategies
We will work to build our agricultural value chain including fertilizer operations, continuing to expand the scope of our worldwide crop protection business. We are also striving to develop gas chemicals-related businesses peripheral to our U.S. shale gas upstream interests.
Actions for What We Aim to Be
We are deepening and globally developing our multifaceted crop-production support business through the Romanian agricultural materials distribution company Alcedo S.R.L. We are also extending the breadth of our resource-based inorganic chemicals business. For instance, we are advancing a project to recover rare earth resources from uranium-ore tailings to expand the scope of our initial foothold in mining uranium in Kazakhstan. In electronics operations, we are working to fortify our EMS business base and augment our value chain.

CSR Through Business Activities

The Ambatovy Project Contributes to Development in Madagascar

An elementary school constructed in the resettlement village An elementary school constructed in the resettlement village

For the Sumitomo Corporation, consideration for local communities and the environment are of paramount importance in promoting the Ambatovy Project—one of the world's largest nickel mining enterprises located in Madagascar.

In considering local communities, the project has engaged in a large number of consultations with local stakeholders, including those who were asked to relocate to new areas as a result of the project implementation. After the consultations, the project has constructed resettlement villages in the relocation zone, and built new houses, schools and medical facilities. Other initiatives aim to improve self-sufficiency among farmers in surrounding areas by providing them with technical support and purchasing their produce.

Environmental considerations include rigorous efforts to protect the environment, such as the establishment of a buffer zone* around the mining site to protect rare species, burying pipelines, and reforestation.

Sumitomo Corporation will continue to value its involvement with local communities and the environment, and to contribute to the development of Madagascar through the Ambatovy Project.

*Buffer zone: A zone established to protect specified areas by reducing the impact of ­outside factors.