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Why Focus on Education Now? Sumitomo Corporation’s Social Contribution Activity Program "100SEED" and Its Ongoing Activities

In 2019, marking its 100th anniversary, Sumitomo Corporation launched the social contribution activity program "100SEED." With SDGs Goal 4, "Quality Education for All," as its theme, the company is expanding 100SEED activities not only in Japan but across the globe. Today we spoke with Eri Wadama from the Corporate Sustainability Dept. and Nobuhiro Nagano, who has participated in Sumitomo Corporation’s unique, Japan-based "Mirai School" for three years running, about the significance and background of this unique program.

  • General Manager, Sumitomo Canada, Calgary Office

    Nobuhiro Nagano

    Nobuhiro joined Sumitomo Corporation as a new graduate in 1997. He has been involved in a wide range of businesses, including infrastructure projects overseas and the energy tubular business. In his first three years, he undertook long-term assignments in Ukraine and the Czech Republic, followed by official postings in Myanmar, China, Russia, UAE and Canada, living in six cities across five countries. He has traveled to more than 40 countries for business and has held his current position since November 2024.

  • Corporate Sustainability Dept.

    Eri Wadama

    Eri joined Sumitomo Corporation as a new graduate in 2020. She worked in the Corporate Communications Dept., handling shareholder communications, global internal newsletters and branding-related tasks, before moving to her current role in 2023.

Looking 100 Years into the Future with the Same Spirit that Has Guided the Company Since Founding

First, could you tell us about the background behind the launch of "100SEED" and its activities?

Wadama In 2019, Sumitomo Corporation celebrated 100 years since the company’s founding. Looking ahead to the next 100 years, the company decided to launch 100SEED as a global initiative to address social challenges. After discussions among employees, the consensus was that education is the foundation for solving all social issues, and the theme of our program became the SDGs Goal 4: "Quality Education for All." The activities are planned and managed by individual Sumitomo Group organizations, taking into account the social issues faced in their respective regions.

Nagano Some might wonder why Sumitomo Corporation is focusing on education. But among its employees, this doesn’t seem strange at all. One reason is "Sumitomo’s Business Philosophy" at the core of Sumitomo Corporation passed down for over 400 years since the Sumitomo's origins in the 17th century. We have a long history of confronting social issues directly and catalyzing business development through those challenges. This spirit has taken root among employees, which is why we have come to believe that to shape the next 100 years, we must focus on nurturing and educating the people essential across all fields of business.

I understand that 100SEED activities differ from country to country. What activities are conducted, for instance?

Wadama In Japan we have three main pillars of activity: "Mirai School," in which our employees visit educational institutions to provide career education support; "Educational Support for a Multicultural Society," which assists children from overseas backgrounds and " Pro Bono," which helps organizations tackling educational challenges. Overseas, several initiatives have been undertaken, including improving educational environments for elementary school children in rural areas in Thailand, supporting the installation of playground equipment that provides water to schools in water-scarce regions in South Africa and supporting childcare services for children in Brazil. Those initiatives are all tailored to the specific challenges and conditions of each country.

Inspiring Students to Take Time to Think About Their Careers

Could you tell us more about "Mirai School," one of your expanding initiatives in Japan?

Wadama "Mirai School" is an initiative through which junior and high school students are encouraged to think about their careers and recognize their potential to shape their own futures and spread their wings. Through this program, Sumitomo Corporation employees with diverse backgrounds and experience in the global business of an integrated trading and business investment company serve as lecturers, sharing their career experiences and life stories in candid, real terms. Since launch, we have been receiving many new applications and requests for repeat from various prefectures across Japan. So far, we have conducted “Mirai School” at 147 schools, with a total of 392 employees participating.

Nagano I’ve served as a lecturer at Mirai School for three consecutive years, starting in 2022. Having been with Sumitomo Corporation for 28 years and worked overseas for approximately two-thirds of my career, I share my experience and insights into the dynamic nature of our business and the roles we play in each country.

There are two points I try to make: first, my hope that the students will venture out into the world more; and second, that they will pay attention to what their senses are telling them. Knowing the outside world can broaden your opportunities, and even if you're trying to start something locally, it will give you fresh perspective. Also, while it’s easy to gather information on the internet, it’s important not to take that information at face value, but rather trust your own senses – what you hear, see and feel.

Wadama We ask the employee lecturers to emphasize what’s most important in this rapidly shifting era through their lessons and how school life connects to work. Using tools such as "Life Graph," employees share their experiences from school to the present, not only highlighting successes but also openly discussing failures. We hope this can inspire students to think about their future.

Nagano For example, I talk about my experience of wanting to become a soccer player and entering a prestigious school known for its strong team, surrounded by highly skilled players, I felt completely out of my depth and faced setbacks. What helped me overcome that was the support of my fellows. A high school student asked me, "How do you build a team?" I told them, "If you stay positive and look like you’re enjoying yourself anytime, even in tough time, people will naturally gather around you. So, don’t be discouraged and try to have fun." Later, I was thrilled to receive feedback that my thoughts resonated. The student reportedly said, "If I ever find myself struggling, I will try to remember to enjoy myself, first and foremost."

Wadama Another unique feature of Mirai School is the post-lesson discussion where students gather around the lecturer. After the class, there’s time for informal discussion, where students openly share their questions and opinions. I was surprised by how many questions I received and how passionate the students were. Since the lecturers are not parents, teachers or friends, students often feel more comfortable being honest. This is why I believe that employees who serve as lecturers take students' concerns to heart and engage in sincere, human conversations. Every employee comes back from Mirai School looking different and energized by students. Many like Mr. Nagano continue to return as repeat lecturers.

Nagano Since I began participating in Mirai School, I’ve felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the support I've received from so many people throughout my career. When you’re working tirelessly it’s hard to stop and reflect. But the school has given me a valuable opportunity to look back at my career and remember those who supported me at each stage. I received many heartfelt feedback from students, such as "I now have the courage to jump into the world" and "Your phrase 'The world is here to make us enjoy life' particularly moved me." These comments gave me even renewed my motivation to keep doing my best in my work & life. I couldn’t help but feel the potential of the future through the high school students. genuine feelings.

Sumitomo Corporation’s Social Contribution Activities Expanding Worldwide

Why do the activities of 100SEED, initially launched to mark Sumitomo Corporation's first 100 years, continue to expand?

Wadama Fortunately, we have received a great number of applications from schools for Mirai School, and many employees want to participate as lecturers. 100SEED is expanding steadily, not just Mirai School in Japan but other initiatives globally. The reason that 100SEED’s activities continue to grow is because we are addressing real social needs. Employees who participate in these activities feel they are truly making a difference for the future. This is a long-term initiative in line with Sumitomo Corporation Group’s goal of "Develop human resources who will drive the future by providing quality education."

Finally, what are the prospects and goals for 100SEED?

Wadama From my own experience, I’ve come to realize that 100SEED is a social contribution program that truly embodies the idea of "Enriching lives and the world." Employees who participate in the program not only help children, but also learn and bring positive influences back to their colleagues. This provides a rare opportunity for social contribution in the field of education and leads to personal growth. We continue to plan and organize events that provide more employees with the chance to participate.

For example, we invite lecturers who are experts in social issues related to education to hold online seminars where employees can contribute ideas for solving these challenges. This format has been well received because even busy employees can participate. Since the program began, we’ve implemented a system where employees can dedicate up to 100 work hours annually to 100SEED activities. We want to continue creating systems and environments that make it easier for employees to participate.

Nagano Today, corporate activities focused not just on business, but on coexistence with society, have become closely interwoven with our business. Sumitomo Corporation’s business has always operated with the belief that "all stakeholders are partners," as opposed to separate buyer and seller entities. It’s not just about pursuing business profits, but also about solving the challenges faced by the countries and regions where we operate. This approach, which offers comprehensive solutions, is something we are recognized for.

In fact, when I spoke about 100SEED during business trips abroad, I was told, "It’s exactly because Sumitomo Corporation is involved in such activities that we want to work with you." The significance of these activities in terms of business is huge, and I believe it’s increasingly important to foster participation in 100SEED across the company. I hope that through this program, Sumitomo Corporation will continue to become an indispensable partner for both society and our stakeholders.

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