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What Is the WILL Recruitment Process for Assured Initial Placement? New Graduate Recruiting Officers Answer Your Questions (Includes Answers from Actual Application Forms!)

Sumitomo Corporation has introduced a new "WILL recruitment" process, which was used for the first time in hiring new graduates for April 2025 entry. As always, we continue to recruit a wide range of students who have expressed interest in working for an integrated trading and business investment company, but students can now choose to apply under either the existing OPEN recruitment process or the new WILL recruitment process. On behalf of students curious about the WILL recruitment process and what it means for them, we asked our new-graduate recruitment officers some questions about the new recruitment process.

  • Future Talent Acquisition Team, HR Strategy Dept.

    Akihiro Shimizu

    Akihiro joined the company in 2022, taking charge of a wide range of recruitment-related tasks covering everything from PR to selection. Since 2024, he has been stationed in the Kansai area, where he handles other HR work in addition to new-graduate recruitment.

  • Future Talent Acquisition Team, HR Strategy Dept.

    Hayato Tsurubayashi

    Hayato joined the company in 2015 and was involved in the trade of railway-related components and the supervision of operating companies in the Steel Group. After a period stationed in the United States, he is currently in charge of human resources, including the recruitment of new graduates.

Q1. How is the WILL recruitment process different from the OPEN recruitment process?

A. Under the WILL recruitment process, students are assured of their initial assignment on joining the company when an informal offer of employment is made.

Shimizu Sumitomo Corporation has established a new recruitment process for new graduates entering the company in April 2025, which allows students interested in more specific career development opportunities and business activities to specify their desired assignment after joining the company. We call it "WILL recruitment" because it respects diverse students’ views on their careers, or their "will."

Tsurubayashi This year's WILL recruitment process was undertaken for 28 SBUs (*1) accepting university graduate recruits. This accounted for around 70% of all Sumitomo Corporation SBUs. For our April 2025 intake, we have hired approximately 30 people through the WILL recruitment process and approximately 70 through the OPEN recruitment process. We don’t have fixed recruitment quotas for individual SBUs with the WILL recruitment process. Rather, we hire those who we believe will be able to play an active role in that SBU.

*1 Abbreviation for Strategic Business Unit. At Sumitomo Corporation, the term is used to refer to a grouping of business groups that share a single core strategy.

Q2. How does the recruitment process work?

A. Advancing to the third round of the WILL recruitment process leads to an interview with the GM of the relevant SBU.

Tsurubayashi The first and second rounds of the recruitment process focus on assessing the candidate's potential to play an active role at Sumitomo Corporation. In the third round and beyond, we take time to understand more deeply the student's will and to check if they would match with a relevant SBU.

Shimizu In this year's third round of recruitment, interviews were conducted by two people: the head of each SBU and its HRBP manager. Giving SBU managers the opportunity to talk with the students directly enabled them to make their decisions from a range of perspectives, including how well each student was matched with that SBU and their future potential within the organization.

Shimizu Under the recruitment schedule for April 2025 hiring, the WILL recruitment process commenced in February 2024, followed by application form submission, a written test and interviews, with informal offers made in late March or early April. It was not possible for students to apply for both WILL and OPEN recruitment processes simultaneously.

Recruitment schedules for the WILL and OPEN recruitment processes. WILL recruitment is only available in March, while OPEN recruitment is available in March and June.

Q3. Why did Sumitomo Corporation introduce the WILL recruitment process?

A. In an effort to keep pace with the changing attitudes of students toward their careers.

Tsurubayashi I joined Sumitomo Corporation around 10 years ago. Today, my impression is that job seekers have a more concrete image of their career path than they did back then. We introduced the WILL recruitment process to recognize that some job seekers already have a solid idea of the work they're interested in at Sumitomo Corporation.

Shimizu Integrated trading and business investment companies cover such a diverse range of businesses, they are often thought of as companies with so-called "high assignment risk," meaning that students don't know where they'll be assigned until after joining. Through the WILL recruitment process, we have broadened the range of options available to job seekers who had not previously considered a career with an integrated trading and business investment company, thus encouraging them to apply. Sumitomo Corporation is the only integrated trading and business investment company to offer such a comprehensive range of 28 SBUs from which assignments can be selected.

Q4. Who would you recommend WILL recruitment to?

A. Anyone with a clear business area of interest, regardless of their knowledge or skills.

Tsurubayashi You may think you need specialized knowledge and skills for WILL recruitment, but there aren't any absolute requirements that will make you an immediate asset to the company.

Shimizu I agree. If I were really pressed on what's most important, I'd say an interest in a particular line of business. If there is an SBU that you really want to join, I would recommend applying for WILL recruitment. With OPEN recruitment, your assignment will be decided after you join the company, so we recommend this process for students without any strong attachment to their initial assignment, or for those who want to experience a wide range of challenges at Sumitomo Corporation across different departments. In passing, the ratio of students for the OPEN and WILL recruitment was essentially even for April 2025 hires.

Q5. Is it advantageous to have a science background?

A. Not necessarily.

Shimizu An student’s academic background doesn't have any impact on the recruitment process. Despite perceptions that students with science backgrounds have an advantage, in fact, there are many students with liberal arts backgrounds who have received WILL recruitment offers for April 2025 employment. Our impression is that many students who receive job offers have a strong interest in a particular field, regardless of whether they come from the sciences or the humanities.

Q6. Can I still apply even if I don't meet the requirements of my desired assignment?

A. Yes, of course.

Tsurubayashi Each SBU issues a list of job requirements, but these are desirable criteria rather than essential. The WILL recruitment process respects students' desires, so we welcome those with a distinct career path in mind, even if they majored in a different field from their desired SBU in college. Please look at the application forms (edited excerpts) of those who have been offered employment in 2025.

What sort of "will" did previous successful students demonstrate? For this interview, we’re disclosing excerpts from several of their application forms.

Although we have received permission from the individuals in question regarding the publication of this information, to avoid identification of specific individuals, some of the content has been edited prior to inclusion here.

Case 1: Real Estate SBU (male candidate)

I wanted to apply to the real estate SBU because my ambition is to become a global real estate professional. Specifically, I would like to be involved in the entire process from land acquisition to planning, construction and sales, and acquire knowledge of real estate and finance, as well as negotiation skills. I would also like to create high-quality, profitable projects, such as CLASSY HOUSE (*2), and build an earnings base that will serve as the backbone of the business while meeting urban demands. In the mid- to long-term, I hope to be involved in advanced urban development projects overseas, such as the smart city in North Hanoi. My goal is to become a flag bearer embodying the trusting relationships and information network with overseas countries that Sumitomo Corporation has developed as I engage in major projects for the company.

Comments from SBU interviewer
The candidate showed a strong and consistent enthusiasm for this SBU and for architecture. He has done considerable research on the real estate industry and has a good understanding of it. His attitude toward urban and real estate development was evident in his desire to look far into the future and create projects from a long-term perspective. I was also impressed by his sharp questions during the Q&A session. Once he joins the company, I believe he will be able to communicate effectively with his colleagues, regardless of seniority.

*2 CLASSY HOUSE is a condominium brand developed by Sumitomo Corporation

Case 2: Overseas Energy Solution SBU (male candidate)

When I was young, I saw children in developing countries who were unable to study because their homes didn’t have electricity or lights. I realized that a well-developed infrastructure shouldn’t be taken for granted. I set myself the goals of “developing infrastructure that supports people’s lives and contributes to national development” and “enriching Japan by interacting with local communities.” In college, I had the opportunity to participate in the process of coordinating corporate interests with foreign counterparts. What had been a vague goal turned into a clear desire to take on the challenge of a grand overseas infrastructure business. I would like to support nations’ futures and people’s lives through involvement in the power infrastructure business at Sumitomo Corporation, which emphasizes going out into the field and maintaining close relationships with stakeholders.

Comments from SBU interviewer
The student has many unique and diverse experiences since childhood, including visits to several developing countries. His motivation for application and ambition derived from these unique experiences were quite persuasive. He had a logical and clear manner of speaking and answered difficult questions without hesitation. I sensed a vitality and energy that will enable him to stand his ground even when placed in difficult environments.

Case 3: Energy Tubular SBU (female candidate)

I have studied abroad in five different countries and have noticed that differences in energy infrastructure can greatly affect living conditions. At the same time, the kindness of local people was often a saving grace for me, and I have continued to think about how I can become someone who also gives back to the world. I believe that Sumitomo Corporation‘s Energy Tubular SBU, which supports energy sources, is the best place to realize this ambition. On a previous visit to a steel mill, I was overwhelmed by its huge scale. I think the appeal of steel lies in the synergy of enthusiasm and technical skills of everyone involved in its manufacture. I would like to contribute to solving the world’s energy problems through steel products by taking advantage of relationships with energy companies and steel mills that Sumitomo Corporation has established, alongside its worldwide network and multidisciplinary expertise.

Comments from SBU interviewer
The candidate showed genuine interest in the steel industry, and her first choice was Sumitomo Corporation for its ability to contribute to society through wide-ranging business developments and strengths in the steel pipe business. In addition, her commitment to improving society through the energy industry is strong, and it’s evident that she has done a lot of research on the industry as a student. She has a strong sense of self and is a good match for our SBU, which will require her to engage in difficult negotiations with manufacturers and customers.

Q7. If I join Sumitomo Corporation through the WILL recruitment process, can I transfer to a different department after entering the company?

A. Of course. You will find a place where you can be active as your own interests and career goals dictate.

Shimizu The only thing that is assured in the WILL recruitment process is initial assignment on joining the company. After that, as in the OPEN recruitment process, employees can pursue their chosen careers in accordance with their personal preferences. Sumitomo Corporation values autonomous career development and respects the career vision of all our employees.

Tsurubayashi There aren’t any differences between the WILL and OPEN recruitment processes in terms of follow-up during the offer period and training after joining the company. To this end, it doesn’t make any difference which process you choose when joining the company. In fact, students who receive job offers often keep in touch with each other and become good friends even before joining the company, regardless of the recruitment process.

How did Sumitomo Corporation’s first WILL recruitment process work in practice?

Shimizu Initial student remarks included, “I think Sumitomo Corporation respects the lifestyle choices of individual students” and “Without the WILL recruitment process, I might not have applied to Sumitomo Corporation.” I feel that the introduction of the WILL recruitment process has made Sumitomo Corporation a more attractive option for new-graduate jobseekers. We have also received positive feedback from the frontlines. Many people have commended the process for the opportunity it provides to meet and speak with future coworkers. We believe the WILL recruitment process has been a positive experience for both students and Sumitomo Corporation.

Tsurubayashi I see this as an opportunity for students who haven’t previously considered integrated trading and business investment companies as a possible career choice to learn more about Sumitomo Corporation's business and develop an interest in the company. Some might be hesitant to apply for a job here because they have the image of integrated trading companies as being full of "athletic types" or "bilingual people who grew up overseas." In reality, we are engaged in a wide variety of businesses and have so many diverse people working for us. I would be happy if the WILL recruitment process encourages more people to enter Sumitomo Corporation's recruitment process.

Shimizu Sumitomo Corporation provides contents for job seekers on its official Instagram page, and also provides various information via Linkedin. Please visit our pages to get further information about Sumitomo Corporation!




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