Our Owned Media
Sumitomo Corporation
Establishment of a Joint Venture for the Production and Sale of Bioethanol and Other Products from Woody Biomass
News Release
Issuance of Green Bonds
Investment in REMOW Co., Ltd., a Global Distributor of Japanese Media Content
Memorandum of Understanding with Fortera Corporation for the Project Feasibility Study of a Low-Carbon Cement Production
News Release
Financial Results for the Nine-month Period ended December 31, 2024
Timely disclosure
- < Important Notice > Advisory on scam & fraudulent activities
- < Important Notice > Advisory on fake websites arrogating Sumitomo Corporation's corporate website
- < Important Notice > Advisory Notice Regarding False Assertions From a Mr. Uwe Gill, To Represent Sumitomo Corporation In Germany(PDF/164KB)
- Electronic Publication
- The Statement for the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015
The 100SEED program will bring together those working in the Sumitomo Corporation Group to discuss different ideas, develop social contribution activities and implement these activities around the world.
The secret of an integrated trading company
Through this Gakken comic for children, we will answer the question "What is an integrated trading company?
Integrated Report
Integrated Report represents our vision for the future of the Group based on where it stands today.