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“How Does Your Knowledge of Science Contribute to Trading Company Business?” A Conversation With Sumitomo Corporation Employees From Science Backgrounds

At Sumitomo Corporation, individuals with science backgrounds are actively contributing to a diverse range of businesses. How are these employees putting their scientific knowledge to use in the business of an integrated trading and business investment company, which is generally known for attracting people from liberal arts backgrounds? For this installment of Enriching+, we interviewed Tomohiro Omachi of the Pharmaceutical Business Unit and Saki Hasegawa of the Healthcare Business Japan Unit about what the playing field at Sumitomo Corporation has to offer science graduates.

  • Pharmaceutical Business Unit, Life Science SBU

    Tomohiro Omachi

    In graduate school, Tomohiro majored in Applied Life Sciences in the Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences. After joining Sumitomo Corporation in 2016, he was transferred from the Medical Science Dept. (currently the Pharmaceutical Business Unit) to subsidiary Summit Pharmaceuticals International, where he was involved in pharmaceutical raw materials trading activities. He later worked in Risk Management Dept. II and is currently back in the Pharmaceutical Business Unit, where he is responsible for new business development for pharmaceuticals.

  • Healthcare Business Japan Unit, Healthcare SBU

    Saki Hasegawa

    In graduate school, Saki was a member of a life sciences laboratory and earned a master's degree. After graduation, she worked as a corporate researcher for a beverage manufacturer, where she was engaged in technology and business development in the field of regenerative medicine. After joining Sumitomo Corporation as a mid-career hire in 2023, she was assigned to the Healthcare Business Dept. (currently the Healthcare Business Japan Unit), where she was placed in charge of the main operations of the Tomod's drugstore chain and new business development.

Why Two Science Majors Took the Plunge at a Trading Company With a Liberal Arts-Centric Reputation

To begin, can you please tell us about the departments you belong to and the work you are engaged in?

Omachi I work in the Pharmaceutical Business Unit and am involved in generating new pharmaceutical business. Most people in my department have backgrounds in science, and many of them are qualified pharmacists. Our diverse team includes everyone from new graduates to mid-career hires and veteran employees.

Hasegawa I work in the Healthcare Business Japan Unit and my responsibilities include managing Tomod's drugstores and developing new businesses. Being a new unit within the company, my department has members from diverse backgrounds, including transferees from other departments, mid-career hires and new graduates. Each member brings to the table everything they have learned through their careers to date, working together to meet daily challenges.

Many science graduates aspire to research and other similar positions. Why did you choose Sumitomo Corporation, an integrated trading and business investment company, for your career?

Omachi My research theme as a student was cells and I was interested in pharmaceutical development, so when I started looking for a job I was hoping to work as a researcher for a pharmaceutical company. But then a good friend said to me, "Maybe you’d be better suited to an integrated trading and business investment company,” and my attention turned in that direction. In fact, I realized that working in a field creating new businesses while interacting with stakeholders, rather than in the specialized field of research, could be even more interesting. Sumitomo Corporation has Summit Pharmaceuticals International, which provides integrated support for the pharmaceutical industry. I was attracted by the fact that Sumitomo Corporation is an integrated trading and business investment company with a strong presence in pharmaceuticals and drug discovery, and it was the only trading company I applied to.

Hasegawa In my case, when I was job hunting as a new graduate, I was not considering anything other than a career in research. However, after graduating I found great satisfaction in working as a researcher with external partners at the beverage manufacturer to commercialize new technologies, and I became interested in the world of business. Integrated trading and business investment company approach industries in terms of larger areas as opposed to single focal points, and their involvement is wide ranging, including trading activities, business investment and business development. This offered many different angles for engagement, which I found appealing.

I have always had an interest in the healthcare sector, which is another reason why I joined the company. I believe that consumers are the main actors in healthcare, and Sumitomo Corporation has many subsidiaries closely linked to consumers, including the Summit supermarket chain and J:COM, a cable TV company. I decided to move to Sumitomo Corporation because I wanted to leverage these strengths to create new value in the healthcare field.

Please tell us about any projects you have worked on that have been particularly challenging or episodes that you feel have led to personal growth.

Omachi I have a background in science, and after joining Sumitomo Corporation I had numerous interactions with pharmaceutical companies and raw material manufacturers while trading raw materials. But in Risk Management Det. II, I was able to view investment projects with a company-wide perspective. This enabled me to acquire knowledge of finance, accounting and legal matters that I didn't have previous exposure to, and I think this contributed most to my professional growth.

Hasegawa This echoes Mr. Omachi's comments, but I have a background in science and my previous job was also in a science-focused field, meaning I had to quickly acquire knowledge in accounting and finance in order to engage in management at a business firm, which was very challenging. Also, last year I supported the development of a medium-term management plan for Tomod's, the company I engage in. I learned a great deal as I accompanied Tomod's through a series of processes that included getting to grips with industry trends and national policies, analyzing Tomod's current position, formulating strategies and establishing a monitoring system.

Demonstrating Skills Acquired Through Research Experience in Different Fields

Now that you have worked at Sumitomo Corporation, what do you find attractive about the company?

Omachi I feel that Sumitomo Corporation has a flat organizational structure. In 2022, my business proposal to develop an easy-to-drink, less-astringent Chinese herbal medicine was adopted under the "0→1 (Zero to One) Challenge," an in-house entrepreneurship program. Here, I believe everyone is willing to proactively listen to the efforts of young employees, regardless of their position.

Hasegawa I agree. that is simply more easily realized in a flat organization. In the Healthcare SBU, coming from a research background without any industry experience is an unusual career path, but after three months with the company I was given the responsibility of mentoring a new employee. Subsequently, after learning one task I was immediately entrusted with others, like developing budgets and medium-term management plans for operating companies. As long as you respect the backgrounds and intentions of all employees and contribute to the organization taking work seriously every day, you will be entrusted with new tasks, which makes every day exciting and enjoyable. There are abundant opportunities for growth here.

What opportunities do you find to make use of the knowledge you acquired as a student in your current role?

Omachi Science is a broad field, so ultimately some things I've researched may not be directly useful. Yet from a broader scientific perspective, basic knowledge and ideas are very relevant. When topics I studied as a student come up in conversations with stakeholders and employees – gene editing technology, for example – I understand immediately, and when discussions become animated, I can offer comprehensible explanations of the topic. I also feel that the basic knowledge I have acquired is being put to good use when coming up with new projects.

Hasegawa In the course of my work reviewing investment opportunities, I have been asked to read research papers and patents and organize them according to their technical strengths. My experience of reading research papers in my research career was very useful in this regard. In addition, the skill of "conveying difficult content in a comprehensible manner" and the study habits that I acquired through my experience have been useful, transferable skills in many aspects of my work.

Avoiding Preconceived Notions and Remaining Open to a Wide Range of Fields and Occupations

Do you have any career plans or goals that you would like to accomplish through your studies and your current career experience?

Omachi I intend to continue placing high priority on creating new businesses, and in the future, hope to build a career in business management. Mr. Hasegawa mentioned "study habits." In scientific study, you read the necessary papers, formulate a hypothesis, and then test it over and over again. I am certain the mindset acquired through this process can be applied to business development as well.

Hasegawa I agree. I feel that acquiring a certain level of specialized knowledge and conducting basic research gives you the ability to dig deeper into any subject. Even if the work is not directly science related, with the ability to dig deep, I think you can take on any challenge.

I would like to combine my research background with my business skills to realize initiatives that sublimate technology into value for society. To this end, I would like to gain a wide range of experience in business investment, business development and business management.

Finally, do you have any advice or messages of support for science graduates who want to apply to Sumitomo Corporation?

Omachi Don't make your choice based on whether you have a liberal arts or science-based degree. In my opinion, you are better off choosing a place of employment based on whether you can make use of the skills you worked hard to earn, and whether you can acquire the new skills you want to develop after joining. For me, I became interested in trading companies thanks to an off-hand comment from a good friend.

At first, I thought I would quit if I didn't fit in and pursue a career in research. Now, I sometimes look back and wonder what I would be doing today if I had chosen a research position. In the end, I can say that such feelings are outweighed by the stimulating, intriguing work I do at Sumitomo Corporation. If you are a science graduate with a strong sense of curiosity and a wide range of interests, there are so many opportunities for work and positive contribution here.

Hasegawa Every day, I realize that the experience and skills gained through dedication, whether in the liberal arts or sciences, will come in handy later in some form or another. In a workplace where "the reward for work is work," I am gaining valuable experience far beyond what I had expected before changing jobs. Lastly, avoid preconceived notions like "I only have research experience, so I will struggle to be useful at a trading company." Instead, I encourage you to envision your own scope of activity from a broader perspective.




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