Dec. 24, 2021
Winning an award for 100SEED at the 19th Corporate Philanthropy Award
Sumitomo Corporation won the "Tanemaki (Seeding) Century Award" at the 19th Corporate Philanthropy Award in recognition of its 100SEED global social contribution activity program, which the company launched in celebration of the centennial of its founding.
The Corporate Philanthropy Award is intended to commend social contribution activities conducted by companies that make use of managerial resources, such as human resources, know-how, technology and information, in an organic and continuous manner to contribute to the solution of social issues. This event has been held annually by the Japan Philanthropic Association since the organization of the first round in 2003.
Sumitomo Corporation received the award for the involvement of its management in the 100SEED activity, setting of the KPIs for the activity targets and progress management, and its company-wide commitment to conducting the activity with the participation of employees.
In the 100SEED activity, Sumitomo Corporation Group employees conduct hands-on activities across the world to help solve the educational issues faced by local communities in their respective areas with a focus on "Quality Education," as upheld in Goal 4 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In fiscal 2020, 31 projects were launched in 14 countries in the 100SEED activity. It is expected that employees, by participating in the activity, will also learn and achieve growth themselves, while contributing to the creation of a sustainable society.

In 2020, Sumitomo Corporation identified the six key social issues to be addressed by the Group for the enhancement of sustainability management, including "Quality education." 100SEED is a core activity for "Quality education," and Sumitomo Corporation will report on progress with the activity toward achieving its medium- and long-term goals. This award has provided us with encouragement to continue as well as sharpen our focus on the 100SEED activity.