In April 2013, the respective organizations in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and the CIS region were grouped into one. The region covered as a group now includes 123 countries and covers a half of the earth's landmass. With numerous countries in various stages of development with differing market needs, the region offers a wealth of diverse business opportunities for us. We will unleash cross-functions between our established foundations in the region and the resources of our Business Units to create new businesses that could contribute to the Sumitomo Corporation Group's next generation.
We want to play a part in the development of countries in the region through these businesses as well.
SC Americas will deepen the expansion of its value chain in the oil and gas field by taking part in exploration and drilling of shale gas and oil, having been the first Asian company to invest in shale gas exploration in the U.S. We will continue to be a leader in providing necessary tubular material, equipment, and services and engage in gas processing, refining, marketing and trading, and export of LNG.
We will focus our management resources to also target the infrastructure and consumer related fields, as demand increases and diversifies. We will also concentrate on natural resources and food, which are areas where the Americas are globally very competitive.
Keeping in mind my catch phrase of “Growth and Innovation,” SC Americas will lead the way and generate sustainable growth for Sumitomo Corporation Group.
Asia and Oceania is the world's fastest growing region, and one that encompasses economies at different stages of growth with varying needs. We believe our ability to deliver tailored solutions for diversified business fields will help meet not only diverse needs but also changing expectations. With a deep-rooted presence in major and emerging markets, we also seek to develop new businesses with the region's growing private sector as a reliable partner. We will continue to strengthen our power of business creation and work passionately to drive economic progress and enrich lives in the region.
In the East Asia region, we are pursuing deeper interchange than ever before with China, South Korea, and Taiwan. We are also capitalizing on our wide operating network in the region to make dynamic, timely management decisions. Our basic operating policy is to help reinforce the Group's earnings strength on a global basis. We are shoring up our business foundations in various countries and organizations, and further enhancing the sophistication of the functions and roles we provide. Through this, we aim to strengthen our ties with partners and alliances that go beyond national and local borders, while swiftly transforming our business model to harness our integrated strengths throughout East Asia to realize new initiatives.
We, the Kansai Regional Business Unit, engage in materials and parts operations in a wide array of industries including metals, machinery and electronics, textiles, and chemicals. We conduct this business with clients in the Kinki, Chugoku, and Shikoku regions. We are also expanding business with local companies in fields such as construction and real estate, automobiles, ships, electric power, railways, and consumer electronics with the Head Office and other regional business units. The businesses the Kansai Regional Business Unit is developing are unique and extend to new fields like solar power and other renewable energy, telecommunications, and new materials and industrial textiles.
In the Kansai region, we will leverage our integrated corporate strengths to meet and exceed high expectations, challenging ourselves to engage in businesses that create value nobody can match.
Centered around the city of Nagoya, the Chubu region is the core manufacturing center in Japan. In particular, the area is recognized worldwide for its technological strengths in the automotive and air defense industries. As a global business partner, the Chubu Regional Business Unit provides one-stop service to leading local companies developing their manufacturing capabilities around the world, with added values that are unmatched and unique to Sumitomo Corporation. Redevelopment around Nagoya station is also accelerated ahead of the debut of the Linear Chuo Shinkansen scheduled in 2027. The Chubu Regional Business Unit is targeting further growth in step with the ongoing economic development of this region.