
Taking Action to Fight Hunger in Schools – Onigiri Action

In 2020, SC Americas organized a virtual Onigiri-making event with nonprofit partner Table for Two where employees across North, Central and South America participated in making Onigiri creations to directly support local schools near SC Americas’ offices. SC Americas was a first-time sponsor of this campaign, and aside from providing its own donations, held this virtual Onigiri-making event to spread awareness of the social media campaign throughout its employee and business networks.

Making an Impact Together

Table for Two’s Onigiri Instructor for Virtual Event

As part of SC Americas’ annual “Americas Week”, employees from across the entire Americas’ region participated in a 100SEED activity that transcended boarders, time zones and neighborhoods to help feed school children in need. The October “Onigiri-making” event was part of a larger campaign created by nonprofit organization Table for Two called #OnigiriAction. The #OnigiriAction campaign is a social media fundraiser that calls for people to take a photo of a Japanese rice ball and post it with the #OnigiriAction hashtag. For every photo posted, five school meals are donated to children in need around the world. This is in celebration of the United Nations’ World Food Day.

Generous donations from sponsors, including SC Americas, make these school meal contributions possible alongside the social media campaign. While offices throughout SC Americas made a monetary donation as a sponsor of the program, they didn’t stop there. The company came together to plan a virtual Onigiri-making event. This got employees from across the region to tap into their creativity and make their own Onigiri creations, all the while help spreading the social media campaign through their posts and pictures.

Rice Yields Big Results!

Following the event, Ms.Mayumi Uejima-Carr, President of Table for Two, United States, stated, “So many photos were posted especially during the last week of the campaign and we could reach the maximum number of school meals to be supported from this campaign on the last day, Oct 31st. It was all possible thanks to your generous support. Arigato gozaimasu!”

The 2020 #OnigiriAction campaign posted a total of 202,143 photos, providing 900,000 warm school meals around the world. The events and donations from organizations like SC Americas made this year’s campaign a huge success, and will directly impact schoolchildren on a global scale.

Culinary Connection

Jack-o-lantern inspired Onigiri creation for Halloween

The Covid-19 pandemic has interrupted the way we live and work, and has no doubt impacted the ways we give back to our communities. There is limited opportunity to physically come together or volunteer in person. The virtual onigiri-making event created that space for employees to connect with one another to do something fun, while simultaneously helping so many people in need by sharing the #OnigiriAction campaign, contributing their own photos and raising awareness among their respective networks.

May 2021